Enroll Your Mother in our Monthly Mass

“Thank you, women who are mothers! You have sheltered human beings within yourselves in a unique experience of joy and travail. This experience makes you become God’s own smile upon the newborn child, the one who guides your child’s first steps, who helps it to grow, and who is the anchor as the child makes its way along the journey of life.” — Pope Saint John Paul II : Letter to Women

Throughout his lengthy pontificate, Pope John Paul II wrote and spoke at great length on the prominence of women in our culture and throughout history. His papal Letter to Women, unwavering devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, and support of consecrated women religious attest to his commitment to uplifting women in truth.

As we approach Mothers Day, would you consider enrolling your mother in our monthly Mass? The Dominican Friars who serve the shrine would be happy to celebrate Holy Mass at the shrine in honor of your intentions for her. Simply click below and complete the information. Note that we ask for a $5 donation to support the formation of the young men who are laying down their lives to respond to God’s call to become Dominican Friars.