Merry Christmas from the Saint John Paul II Society!

Merry Christmas from the Saint John Paul II Society!

On December 25, 1978, Pope Saint John Paul the Great addressed the world with these words:

This message is addressed to every human being, precisely as a human being; it is addressed to his humanity. For it is the humanity that is elevated in God’s earthly birth. Humanity, human ‘nature’ is taken into the unity of the Divine Person of the Son, into the unity of the Word in whom God eternally expresses himself.

This Christmas, as we behold the infant Jesus in the crib, let us remember that God does not leave us alone in our human experience, with its struggles, trials, and moments of loneliness as well as its peaks and joys. Through Jesus Christ, born of Mary, He has taken our nature into His. There is nothing in our lives that we can’t share with God, nothing too insignificant or too overwhelming to bring before him in prayer. And if we do this, not only will we be comforted; we will begin to share in His divine life.
